Delivery & Install


Not only delivering your new furniture but, as and when required, undertaking the safe removal and ethical disposal of any unwanted or redundant furniture and fittings; using a service system that meets the highest standards of environmental sustainability in the form of a re-use and recycle process, designed to meet ISO1401 requirements.
We are passionate about delivering projects to the agreed design brief, on time and on budget.


Our fully trained installers have ongoing training and support in all product areas: where specialist skills are necessary and safety issues are especially important, such as the installation of full height partitioning systems and storage walls specific training programmes are undertaken. We are acutely aware that the entrance and reception area is an area of heavy footfall and often an emergency exit for most businesses, all necessary precautions are taken to ensure that walkways and the personal access/egress channels are not compromised in any way by such things as electrical cabling, waste packaging and tools of the trade during the installation process.
We take site safety very seriously, during installation the team leader will be responsible overall safety and the control of all packaging materials and the removal of the same, to a predetermined and safe storage place ready for disposal.   
Where the situation demands an out of “normal” hours installation is available